President’s Letter: Round 5 2021

Great to see the teams settling down for their first week of games since grading concluded. As mentioned last week, grading can be a difficult time as scores comprehensively vary from very high to very low. Grading does work for most teams. I was really proud and pleased to see some competitive results this week. Fantastic to see one of our teams get their first win for the year! Our club policy is to get kids onto the park and being able to enjoy playing football with their teammates, whatever their level of talent, being part of a team and contributing is really what’s most important.

Our committee meet monthly to discuss how the season is going, rules that need to be addressed and how we can assess our club in the big picture. What we have in place and how we go about it may not always ring true. Advancements in technology and processes and new opportunities must always be considered.

We are always looking at how our club is progressing and what areas need to be examined. I love this Club and the committee involved in being able to accept challenges and see the excitement of turning dreams into reality, worries into problems and then solutions. Whilst decisions are based on history, knowledge and policy, we are trying to be proactive rather than reactive going forward.

Therefore, from time to time, we will challenge various parts of policy and what we do to see if we can improve areas within our Club. At the end of the day, it is about our players enjoying the game of football, bonding with teammates and being part of a healthy environment.

Code of Conduct

On a serious note, it was disappointing that we have heard of a couple of incidents from the round. We need to reiterate that all families (and especially players) make themselves acquainted with understanding the ‘Code of Conduct’.

The YJFL has made contact with us regarding the conduct of match day officials and in particular comments that are made from the Coaches’ box. A reminder that only four people can be in the box: Coach, Assistant, Runner and Trainer.

These four people must display exemplary behaviour and never vocally criticise Umpires. I know footy is passionate, but please let’s show other clubs how we at the Sharks are a ‘Good Sports Club’. This year we have now obtained our level 3 accreditation.

Conversely, we need all parents to please understand that our Coaches are doing their absolute best for players and teams each week. If for whatever reason you have questions regarding the position of a player or their role within the team, please approach your child’s coach outside match day and ask accordingly. There is no need to create dissention or create ‘Chinese Whispers’.

We need all teams united and working hard for each other out on the field. Parents questioning their children in a negative manner is not a good look. Fortunately, the vast majority of our membership are supportive and offer encouragement, thank you.

The league this week suspended and/or put on notice a number of coaches from other clubs. These people know better, yet unfortunately some umpires were targeted with abuse and threats including in the U10/U11’s. This will not be tolerated, let alone that most of these umpires are young kids themselves.

Our Umpires Academy

Opportunity to join our Umpires Academy is now open and your expressions of interest are invited. We currently have 5 new recruits aged 13 to 17 years that train on a Tuesday night from 6-7pm at Colman Park in Warranwood. 

Did you know you could be earning from $40-$100 per game? What a fantastic opportunity to further your game, enhance personal development, learn new skills and maintain fitness levels whilst earning some pocket money too! Contact Nina or myself for more information.

Sponsor of the Round

ResiVentures is a Gold sponsor of the Sharks and a long-standing Sharks family member. Predominantly they are land sub-dividers and developers of medium density townhouses. With the lockdowns of 2020 now behind us and scarcity in the property market, now is a great time to invest. To see their various land estates, please visit 

The ResiVenture team are offering fantastic property investment opportunities at a fantastic price for Sharks families who may be interested. Give them a call via Anthony Braunthal or contact me personally if you would like to discuss further. Invest now and cash in for the future.


Looking forward to Round 6 for our Juniors. If at any stage you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact myself.

Go Sharks!!

Ritchie Appleby
President, Sharks JFC
0408 367 444

President’s Letter: Round 4 2021

Hi All Sharks

Round 5 

What a fantastic family atmosphere that prevailed across all the Sharks teams this weekend. It was pleasing to see so many Mums out and about on Sunday with their various charges. Thank you to all the Team Managers who assured Mum received a gift from their children after their games. Well done one and all. The support for Breast Cancer was at many different venues this year. Again, we appreciate all those who gave on the day and a heartfelt thanks to our volunteers for organising events at our end. It really goes to show our community is a tightknit group of families. I’m humbled by your coordination, generosity and involvement. 

Keep up the good work!                                                   

The YJFL Grading for 2021 has now reached its conclusion. We will know the positioning of teams that have made a request to change divisions within the next 24 hours. Once this knowledge is at hand we shall inform all team managers to pass on to their respective teams.

Congratulations to the teams who have performed well during this process. Also, congratulations to the teams who have tried hard but have been outclassed due to being in the wrong division. Your commitment to complete each week and play for your teammates is exemplary. Your coaches have tried their best and look forward to a more balanced season ahead.

The YJFL follow their policies and agendas during this period and it’s always difficult when there are blowouts in scores. Ah by golly I’m glad grading is now complete and we look forward to a more competitive season ahead.

Sometimes football reflects life in teaching us various lessons and how we, as a collective, deal with them even if not fully understanding why? Loyalty to team mates, allowing ‘process’ to playout, discipline, being able to communicate clearly and trusting are just a few. At the end of the day, we play sport to increase our skills, create fellowship and enjoy a win when we can. 

Bring on Season 2021 in its true format and may all of our players enjoy being on the park each week representing the Sharks Junior Football Club.

Sponsor of the Round

Thank you to Warran Glen Garden Centre and Café for their generous sponsorship of Mothers’ Day. Warran Glen kindly donated over 40 vouchers that 2 mums in every team won. Congratulations mums, enjoy your time wandering the wonderful setup and maybe enjoy a well-deserved cuppa at the conclusion of your visit. The Taylor family look forward to saying “Hi” to all the Sharks family when they make a visit, so call in, open 7 days a week.

Social Media

From time to time we have had a few problems with comments made by players and parents on social media. Please may I ask all Sharks members to focus on positive comments via this platform? On our website under ‘Club Policies’ you will find policy regarding ‘Social Media’, ‘Bullying’ etc.

Anyone suspected of engaging in unacceptable use of these outlets can and will be dealt with by the Club and the YJFL. Our committee encourages everyone to enjoy the junior sport that their children are involved in.

Queen’s Birthday

Please note that Sunday 13th June we have no games scheduled for the weekend. PARENTS please enjoy a sleep in. SHARKS PLAYERS what a great opportunity to help out around the home. Remember Mum and/or Dad transport you to training and matches each week, remind you if you’ve got everything and have jumpers and shorts clean to wear. So, as a thank you all players could maybe just do a bit more to help out – from washing dishes, to vacuuming, to cleaning up their room – oh the list goes on!! The following weekend (20th) all is as per normal. This Round we celebrate “The Big Freeze” for MND. 


Looking forward to Round 5 for our juniors. If at any stage you have any queries then please don’t hesitate to contact myself. Go Sharks!!

Ritchie Appleby
President, Sharks JFC
0408 367 444

President’s Letter: Round 3 2021

Hi all Sharks,

The first few rounds of every season are a little unsettled. The Veterans in the club understand this. To our new families, all will settle down in the next week or two.

This Sunday is sponsored by Warran Glen Nursery and Café

The YJFL grading process is being applied – results are all over the shop.

Coaches are trying to work through their lists to ensure everyone is getting a go.

Team Managers are working through the administration processes required around game day. Wow, these folks do heaps to keep our kids on the park.

The canteen manager is trying to work out how to calculate appropriately the desired levels of food and drinks that should be ordered for each week.

With sponsorship we need all to make a difference in our great club with monetary pledges of support. This year we have barely reached our starting target, however, if you are able to help, please contact myself and make a difference.

Committee are continually bombarding everyone with the information necessary to ensure your child gets a game of football each week & the club runs correctly. 

And on it goes… 

Thanks go to our Committee members in attendance each week, for their assistance and help. They have been up early working with TM’s & crews in setting up our grounds at Domeney and Stintons for each match day and pack up procedures. Hopefully, all teams now know the requirements. If at any time you’re not sure please call us to help you out. I would rather know match day than 9pm at night.

For the majority of our membership, your calm will be restored by round five or six once the season’s fixture is sent out by the YJFL and thus we can all get on with enjoying the season and watching our children play.

Mother’s Day – Sponsored by Warran Glen Nursery and Café

This Sunday is MOTHER’S DAY Round 5 – Reminder to all Dads & Players!

Sharks Pink Ribbon Day is a fund raising event for the Breast Cancer Foundation. We are continuing with this Tradition of Fund raising for such a worthy and important cause again this year. I am sure many of us have been/or are affected by a person close to us who has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

The Sharks Committee fully support the initiative and ask that all Team Managers circulate an email amongst the playing groups advising all of Sharks Pink Ribbon Day this weekend. We request that each player please bring a Gold coin donation to the game (home & away) as we strive to raise money and beat 2019’s amount. We would like to raise as much as possible for the Breast Cancer Foundation on this year’s Mother’s Day Weekend – Sunday 9th May 2021.

Two Mum’s from each, (including Auskick), will win prizes donated by Warran Glen, our Sponsor of the Round. Also remember Club Ringwood are offering a High Tea on the Saturday beforehand.

Pink buckets will be placed at the Canteen or coffee trucks to help with these and further collections.

Code of Conduct – Match Day

Thank you our Sharks parents who have abided with exemplary behaviour over the first few rounds. Your support has been enthusiastic whilst being controlled in cheering on the players.

Let us keep it that way please & set an example for other clubs to follow.

Unfortunately, there are times when parental behaviour does not abide by the Code of Conduct that we all sign at the beginning of the year. I know we all get passionate at times, but please remember there are young ears listening in to what we say.

If you notice any inappropriate behaviour, please inform your team Manager immediately. This will allow us to address the behaviour and ensure the safety & welfare of all players on the ground.


A couple of Sharks players have suffered a variety of injuries up to this point of the season, so it’s timely to let you all know that we are insured. The YJFL has an injury insurance policy through JLT Insurance that provides not only players but also parents/helpers etc… An information sheet is available on our website. If you require further information please give us a call.

YJFL Grading Process

The process has one more week to go. Coaches wishing to make recommendations need to lodge with our Y.J.F.L. Director immediately. If you have any questions regarding the above, then please call Damian.


If you require any garments, socks etc. please go online and order it. Nina and her team will make sure it’s available in the quickest time available.


During the season if you wish to raise any queries then please catch up with me in person or give me a call.

Wishing everyone all the very best for Round 4. I wish the lucky Mum’s all the best with their selections at Warran Glen. Enjoy Mother’s Day.

Go Sharks!!

Ritchie Appleby
President, Sharks JFC
0408 367 444

President’s Letter: Round 2 2021

Ringwood Clocktower at Dawn

A brilliant ANZAC Day; respect, remembrance, traditions upheld and our children running around enjoying mateship – perfect.

Thank you to all the parents and helpers for fulfilling their roles to allow our children to get out on the ground each week. Special thanks to committee members in assisting with ground setup/pack-up and of course chasing up the keys for the Umps Portable to then realize they weren’t needed! Ohh well, always something to keep us on our toes.

We had some close competitive games, huge wins and absolute blow out defeats. All can hold their heads high as they tried their best. Please remember, it is grading and this will continue for two more week as the YJFL try to correctly place teams.

From U8’s upwards, new club members & final year players, I’m very proud of you all and how, on behalf of your Club, you’ve conducted yourselves over this round. The passion of the first two rounds has been fantastic whilst displayed in a controlled manner.

Also, thanks to all parents for their involvement, encouragement & support while barracking in a respected and enthusiastic manner during all games. It really is appreciated.

Lachie, Jorja, and James at the Dawn Service

It was marvellous to see all our teams show respect for this ANZAC Round. To see the unity of our teams, arm in arm during the reading of the ANZAC Ode and the minute’s silence was easily taken in their stride. To show support in memory of those who gave their lives so that we could partake freely in the past-times we enjoy, such as football, was a true show of unity and strength by our club.

Thank you young and old, players, parents and support for being a part of this day of remembrance.

On this note, I was very proud of our older boys and girls who attended with many parents at the Dawn Service. To see in excess of 40 + players in their club jackets at the clock tower in Ringwood was a great response. Yes it was a bit chilly in the morning, however the spirit and respect from our players was commendable. To uphold the ‘Tradition’ of the club’s membership from previous years’ attendance was exemplary. Then a get together at McDonalds with lots of laughter and stories (before a quick nap on the couch) and attendance at Stintons and Domeney to observe matches in a “weak” but beautiful sunshine.

Wreath laid at ANZAC Day Dawn Service

In last week’s Shark Attack we welcomed our Captains for Season 2021. On Sunday, our three Captains laid a wreath on behalf of the Sharks at the Dawn Service.

Thank you Lachie, Jorja and James.

The Shark Attack is a great medium for all to be kept up to date about the teams and what is happening around the club. Please view it each week via “Team App” or on the Sharks Website. Everyone would have noted blank spaces at the top of each team beside the Coaches photos. These blank rectangle areas need filling with members from each team in sponsorship. We need you now to come on board. To invest in each space is only $500 for the year.

Weekly Sponsor

Club Ringwood and Club Kilsyth are hosting “High Tea” for families on the Saturday 8th May, prior to Mother’s Day. A great opportunity to get together the day before in a relaxed manner rather than rushing around everywhere on Sunday. See flyer attached. Bookings from 11.30am till 2pm, with departure by 4pm

Over the next month, every player will be receiving a special offer for discount meals and drinks, watch out for your families special offering by the Club. A great family Bistro that caters to all tastes, food and dietary requirements.

Mother’s Day – Round 4

Our annual Breast Cancer Awareness Fund Raiser occurs on Mother’s Day. Started by one of our mums a few years ago, we are seeking a gold coin donation on the day from all players and parents. All Team Managers (at Home or playing Away) will collect donations. One of our main Gold Sponsors “Warran Glen Centre‘ are kindly donating prizes for the day. These will be drawn from the total membership base.


Please remember our players are our greatest recruitment advertisement, so if you know someone who wants to come and train and give it a go; then encourage them to come along.

Next year there will be some movements within the committee, please consider if you could help our great club by getting involved. It really is a wonderful opportunity to be part of our close-knit group to help guide the club into future years. To make the transition easier, we will be seeking out individuals to shadow current members during the year.

As always, happy to take calls or meet up face-to-face if you have any queries. 
Wishing all the best for Round 3. Enjoy and go Sharks!!

Ritchie Appleby
President, Sharks JFC
0408 367 444