Registrar Role Vacancy

Greeting families,

With Season 2021 now officially wrapped up, we move forward into preparing for Season 2022.

There will be a number of roles being advertised. Some are to replace leaving committee, others are in addition to current roles to help lighten the workload.

The most urgent for now is the role of Registrar.

We thank Ellen Gallagher for her time and dedication over the last year. Ellen and Dustin Albers (who is staying on) have created fabulous working processes allowing this role to be done by 2 people.

The role of one of the registrars is now vacant and as we approach the commencement of registration period for 2022 it’s of utmost importance that this be filled immediately.
It does make it really tough to open registrations without this position filled as it places more workload on existing committee members.

Please find attached a brief outline of what the role entails. A more detailed role outline can be provided upon request.

This is a role that can’t be done by other committee members who are already busy preparing the club for the 2022 season.

Please contact Nina Foxwell (0409 564 724 or or any other committee members for further information.

Go Sharks!!
PONRPJFC Committee