President’s Message

President’s Message: Round 3

Hi All Sharks,

A special thankyou to all those who braved the cold to attend our second Burger Night.  To those who chose to remain indoors, do not blame you for a minute, and hope to catch up with you all at our future events – please take note below. Continue Reading

President’s Message: Round 2

Hi All Sharks,

It was a long time between games, but the wait was worth it.

I would like to think that the Sharks were pioneers in recognising the ANZAC legend within the YJFL, with all club now recognising the people that fought to provide us with what we have today.  The lines of solidarity, the reading of the ode, the last post and the minutes silence are all but a small gesture for what these surviving and fallen hero’s provided us as a nation.  Thankyou one and all for you efforts and respect to this day. Continue Reading

President’s Message: Round 1

Hi All Sharks,

We made it! Season 2014 is off and running!!

Round 1 has been and gone pretty much without incident. Whilst we suffered a few casualties in the injury room, I am advised that none are long term so here’s to a speedy recovery. Continue Reading

President’s Message: Round 0

Hi all Sharks members,

Round 1 is here, so let’s get ready to rumble!!!!! Well not so much rumble, but get out and play??? You know what I mean.  Just on rumbling piece, each year I reinforce the Club’s expectation around player, parent and spectator behaviour.  There is a Code of Conduct, please ensure you have read it and abide by it.  The Sharks name is held high by the league in terms of its administration and professionalism, a reflection of our player and parent behaviour. One bad act taints us all, so just remember this is kids sport and it’s all about them, so enjoy each week and support your players, the team helpers and the club. Continue Reading