President’s Message: Round 5

Hi All Sharks,

As mentioned last week the next few week’s marks a busy time of year with the SharKwiz, Tackers Day and Education Evening all fast approaching.  Please read below for the latest updates and information.

SharKwiz – Trivia Night!

Sharkwiz 2014 is fast approaching…Saturday 31 May 2014 at Domeney Reserve! The SharKwiz organising committee still have room for potential auction items and tables are also filling quickly.  This is our primary fund raising event for the year, run in a causal atmosphere with the focus not only being around money, but having fun and enjoying the company.

If you have any further queries please contact the Sharks Events Coordinator – Pamela Cordeux on 0421 989 136 or and the SharKwiz Coordinator – Mark Leonard 0418 551 553 or OR refer to our website.

Warning, Warning, Warning – Tackers Day Sunday 25 May 2013 – Enter at Own Risk!

This weekend marks the YJFL Annual Tackers Day, where all the Tackers Teams from across the league meet at Bulleen Park and play off in a round robin styled event.  As you could imagine, hundreds of kids aged under 9 and their families, all crammed into the one space generally makes for a very dynamic day.

Those of us who have experienced the day will all be sitting their reading this with a little grin on our faces and an acknowledging nod – he, ha, ha, HA, HA, HA! Oops that got out of hand, sorry!

To those of you going back again, well done and good luck. To those of you who are about to experience this for the first time – get there early, pack your lunch or take sufficient money, and ensure that you assist the coaching staff and team managers in the organising of the children and during the down periods – they will need your full attention and support – Go Sharks!!!

Education Evening – 11 June 2014!

Each year the Sharks Junior Football Club hold an education evening on topical issues impacting our community.  This year’s topic is ‘Mental Health In Sport’ which will take a look at the pressures often associated with being successful whether at school, sport or in life and the by-products of these pressure on our children. More information will be provided closer to the date.

Sharks survey!

The Sharks have also launched a Membership Survey on our new website application and I encourage you all to have a look and provide your comments.  The future direction of this wonderful club will be based on your comments and feedback.

We Need You – Please consider coming onto Committee!

We are always seeking support on Committee so if you are in a position to assist in 2015 can you PLEASE give me a call.  We cannot function without volunteers and the end of Season 2014 will see a number of vacancies. Without your help things will suffer or fold.


If at any stage during the season you wish to raise issue with me – positive or negative – please feel free to do so either personally or via the telephone.

Wishing all the very best for Round 6. Please enjoy yourselves.  Go Sharks!!!!

Sean Woods – President of the Sharks
Park Orchards North Ringwood Parish Junior Football Club
Phone: 0407886817