President’s Letter: Edition 3

Hi All Sharks,

Thanks this week go out to all our players. You have shown tremendous Sharks spirit and enthusiasm over the first few rounds. I was able to get to a few games over the weekend and how delightful to see our teams in their new jumpers and warm up tops.

The first few rounds of every season are a little unsettled. The Veterans in the club understand this. To our new families, all will settle down in the next week or two.

It really is a matter of applying the system:-

The YJFL grading process is being applied – results are all over the ship.Coaches are trying to work through their lists to ensure everyone is getting a go.

Team Managers are working through the administration processes required around game day. Wow, these folks do heaps to keep our kids on the park.

Canteen managers are trying to work out how to calculate appropriately the desired levels of food and drinks that should be ordered for each week.

Our Sponsorship coordinator is phoning all to make a difference in our great club with monetary pledges of support. This year we have nearly reached our target, however if you’re able to help please contact Sue and make a further difference.

Committee are continually bombarding everyone with the information necessary to ensure your child gets a game of football each week & the club runs correctly. And on it goes…..

Thanks go to our Committee members in attendance each week, for their assistance and help. They have been up early working with TM’s & crews in setting up our grounds at Domeney and Stintons for each match day and pack up procedures. Hopefully, all teams now know the requirements. If at any time you’re not sure please call us to help you out. I’d rather know match day than 9pm at night.

For the majority of our membership your calm will be restored by round five or six once the season’s fixture is sent out by the YJFL and thus we can all get on with enjoying the season and watching our children play.

MOTHER’S DAY Round 4- This Sunday

Sharks Pink Ribbon Day is a fund raising event for the Breast Cancer Foundation. We are continuing with this Tradition of Fund raising for such a worthy and important cause again this year. I’m sure many of us have been/or are affected by a person close to us who has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

The Sharks Committee fully support the initiative and ask that all Team Managers circulate an email amongst the playing groups advising all of Sharks Pink Ribbon Day next weekend. We request that each player please bring a Gold coin donation to the game (home & away) as we strive to raise money and beat last year’s amount. We would like to raise as much as possible for the Breast Cancer Foundation on this year’s Mother’s Day Weekend – Sunday 12th May 2019.

This year a Mum or two from every team will have the delight of winning a Warran Glen voucher. All prizes donated by “Warran Glen” our Sponsor of the Round, please show your support to “Warran Glen Nursery and Café” who are also gold sponsors this year.
Pink buckets will be placed at the Canteens to help with these collections.

U8’s & U9’s


As a special Mother’s Day event, the U8’s and U9’s will be playing their matches Friday night rather than Sunday morning. U8’s will play against Templestowe who have kindly agreed to the swap.
Two teams will play each other with the other U8’s playing on one half of the oval, and the U9’s on the other half. The matches will all be played at Domeney. Your Team Managers will let you know further details during the course of the week. It will be a great night so please, all enjoy & get into the spirit of it.

This Friday night has become another new Tradition created for Sharks Mums and Players.
BYO nibbles and drinks – though no alcohol can be consumed during the game.

So, Under 8 &9’s mums you’ll be able to really enjoy Brekky in bed on Sunday, unless of course you have older Sharks at home. Oh well, we can but only try!!

Some of our Colts will be in attendance as well to watch their buddies play.

This will continue our Colts/U8’s/U9’s Buddies system, interaction between these teams is focused on very passionately by our committee & helpers. This culminates with our Buddies Burger night on Sunday 2nd June with the Colts & U8’s hosting the night.


Welcome on board to Ringwood Mazda. Ringwood Mazda have joined the Sharks on a three year deal as “front of Jumper” naming rights.
On the top of their great deals, they have promised to look after all Sharks families when next considering a new or used car.
So Please introduce yourself to Darren Paul and his team on Maroondah Hwy Ringwood and remember to tell them you’re from P.O.N.R.P.J.F.C.
Thanks guys for being part of our dynamic club.


Thank you our Sharks parents who have abided with exemplary behaviour over the first few rounds. Your support has been enthusiastic whilst being controlled in cheering on the players.
Let’s keep it that way please & set an example for other clubs to follow.

Unfortunately, there are times when parental behaviour does not abide by the Code of Conduct we all sign at the beginning of the year. During the last Round we witnessed an incident whereby a parent from an opposition team was out of control harassing & swearing Thankfully this was quickly dealt with in an expedient manner. I know we all get passionate at times, but please remember there are young ears listening in to what we say.

In instances when this occurs, it is important that as soon as you become aware of inappropriate behaviour it’s reported immediately to your Team Manager or the Ground Manager.

This will allow us to address the behaviour and ensure the safety & welfare of all players on the ground.


New 50 Year beanies now available.

If you require any garments, socks etc.. Please go online and order it. Nina and her team will make sure it’s available in the quickest time available.


During the season if you wish to raise any queries then please catch up with me in person or give me a call.

Wishing everyone all the very best for Round 4. Enjoy.

Go Sharks!!

Ritchie Appleby
President, Sharks JFC
0408 367 444