President’s Letter: Edition 9

Holy cow, strewth, what a weekend! Saturday night around 5.00pm I saw and heard the heavens open up. Every hour during Saturday night the rain fell heavier and heavier. At 7.45am Sunday morning I was cooking a couple of poached eggs on toast when the calls and photos began. Domeney and Stintons were awash. I thought ‘Oh, the poor U8s and U9s having to play in this’. It got worse when I was texted to “bring my flippers, water wings, mask and snorkel”. 

Suffice to say, the early matches were scratched. The opposition didn’t turn up, that’s code for mums saying “I don’t want my little darling out in this”. Who could blame them?

However by 10- 10.30am the sky had turned briefly blue, sun was shining and matches were resumed. Of course the rain continued off and on for the rest of the day. Thank you to all the players and parents who played a role on the field during Sunday’s ‘Winter Wonder’. Without the parents’ support we cannot put on the event for our kids each week, your assistance is greatly appreciated by club and players.

I received 2 calls from other Presidents informing me their grounds were inundated. “How were we coping?” “Not a problem, bring them along to the Sharks and we’ll play. Sharks love water!”

Congratulations to all who braved the elements and well done on the efforts of all players to stave off frost bite.

The YJFL were in attendance at a few of our matches this week and thank you players, they commented on how well we play, tough but fair. Great to see our culture and spirit being recognised for what it is. We play sport with passion, determination and the desire to do our best. Please remember our Code of Conduct as we head into the final games for 2018. I know calculations have already begun on potential finals appearances.

Bendigo Bank Buddies Burger Night

The Bendigo Bank Buddies Burger Night felt like a very intimate family affair. I think the weather psychologically influenced attendance prior to the actual event. Congratulations to the 150+ who turned up. Plenty of food, heaters going and the rain had stopped. Oh how I love Melbourne.
As part of the evening we acknowledge our milestone achievements obtained so far for season 2018. Well done to all players who notched up 50 games, and 100 games, and even two players reaching 150 games.

50 Games

Charlie Sizer Under 11 Black
Hamish Noonan Under 11 Black
Austin Foxwell Under 11 Black
Lachlan Dickson Under 11 Red
Jayden Sultana Under 11 Red
Jacob Sette Under 11 Red
Felix Kilworth Under 11 Red
Max Beach Under 11 Red
Mason Harvie Under 11 Red
Archie Leonard Under 11 Red
Lachlan Sherriff Under 12 Black
Will Kenny Under 12 Black
Tom Worthington Under 12 Black
Jack Fortington Under 12 Black
Max Dominko Under 12 Black
Gabe Stumpf Under 12 Black
Ryan Smeed Under 14 Black
Liam Watts Under 14 Black
Samuel Stephens Under 13 Red

50 Games (continued)

Charlie Kouteris Under 15
Tobey Draffin Under 15
Tyson Harrop Colts Red
Skye Smart U18 YG
Adelyn Hoser U18 YG

100 Games

Alex Macrokanis Under 14 Red
Zach Mcleod Under 14 Red
Ben Duffy Under 14 Black
Owen Foxwell Under 15
Matthew Wallis Under 15
Jesse Bridger Colts Red

150 Games

Cameron Hayes Colts Red
Ben Panza Colts Red

Social Night – Saturday 21st July at The Grand Warrandyte

A quick reminder that the Parents Social Night is fast approaching. Get in quick and book your tickets via Team App. Tickets are $50pp and include food, complimentary drink, entertainment and a chance to go into the $500 draw.

Team Photos – Friday 22nd June

Team photos are scheduled for this coming Friday evening, the 22nd June. Teams with early games on Sunday will have their photos taken on Friday. On Sunday 24th June will be all other teams. Your team managers will send out confirmed dates and times for participation during the next week.

Colts & Life Members Dinner – Tuesday 24th July

The evening will take place on Tuesday 24th July at 6.30pm at Club Kilsyth, Corner Canterbury Road & Colchester Roads Bayswater North. This is the transition of our Senior Colts annual dinner and attended by all our Colts Players. We have a great guest speaker this year who will encourage and challenge the boys as they transition in life going forward. Confirming the Sharks will pay for all Players and Life Members; with parents contributing $29 for a 2-3 course dinner. Drinks at bar prices.


If at any stage you have any queries then please don’t hesitate to contact myself.

Go Sharks!!

Ritchie Appleby
President, Sharks JFC
0408 367 444