President’s Report: Round 7

Hi All Sharks

Thank you to all of the attendees at the Sharkwiz on Saturday Night. The atmosphere was electric, the crowd enormous and the noise at disco level. Representation was awesome from our Auskickers, Under 8’s through to the Colts. Well done all for participating. 

Congratulations go out to all the U12 helpers from, Kirsten, Peter & Nina through to the support helpers with wrapping and set up for the night. Our veteran, Mike Newton had the evening flow wonderfully and without a hiccup. Thanks to Dave Philipsen for a truly remarkable trivia set of questions and the ability to allow the evening to flow.

Dave, thanks for the video displaying shots of every team, milestones and the Sharks Youth Girls. Our vision is to empower and grow Youth Girls in our Sharks family next year. To date we have had over 68 registrations with 3 teams in operation.

Wow! What a night.

Well done to table 12 on winning the evening by just a few points ahead of my table 2.  To table 9, thanks for trying so hard, however may I suggest that pre-trivia drinks may not be the best idea next year? We were looking for factual answers, not ‘creativeness’.

Anyway, as our major fundraiser for the year, the 180+ in attendance voted it a great night.

Breaking news – I’ve just heard that after the first part of the progressive question in Round 1 “I was born on 7th April 1964 and my father was Hotel Manager and my mother a Catering Manager.”  Thanks to the table who nominated “Ritchie Appleby.”  I don’t mind being compared to Russell Crowe!


Queen’s Birthday Weekend

Just a note of confirmation that, NO matches will be played this weekend. Please enjoy family time instead. Boys, how about making Mum breaky in bed either Sunday on Monday? Also, do your chores around the home, this can be done as a thank you for your parents taking you to your matches and training.

Burger Night

Please get along after matches for only our second Club function for the year, Burger Night.  The Buddies Burger Night, hosted by the Under 8’s, Under 9’s and Colts is on the 18th June.

Adults Social Night

A night just for the parents to mingle, relax and let their hair down on Saturday 22nd July at “Rosebank” on Warrandyte Road North Ringwood.

Tickets are at our cost price, being $40.00 per head. This covers food, entertainment and venue.  Drinks can be purchased separately from the bar. For more information, please contact our Events Coordinator


Our club is able to compete each week due to the various sponsors we have on board. We encourage all our Sharks family to please support our sponsors. Major Sponsors are:

Appleby Real Estate


Club Ringwood


Elephant & Co


RNG Lawyers


Bendigo Bank


The Grand Warrandyte


RESI Ventures


M.C.G Windows


Rebel Sports






For the full list, please see the sponsors section on our website, or the back page of the “Shark Attack.”

Senior Sharks Report

On Saturday prior to Trivia Night, the Senior Sharks played the Basin at home.  The U19s, Reserves and Seniors all saluted the day with wonderful wins.

The game plans are being adapted to and the boys are on a great winning streak.  After 8 rounds the Seniors are sitting in first position with 6 wins.  The Reserves are also in first position with 7 wins.  The U19s are equal first (though second on percentage) with 8 wins from 8 matches for the season.  Fantastic effort to all involved from players to coaches, support roles, membership and the supporters in the outer.  Keep it up guys; it’s great to see ALL IN!


Wishing everyone a great long weekend.

If at any stage you have any queries then please don’t hesitate to contact myself.

Go Sharks!!

Ritchie Appleby
President, Sharks JFC
0408 367 444