President’s Message: Round 10

Hi All Sharks,

Parent and Player Behaviour!

I have been personally contacted by the YJFL and asked to heavily promote to our players and parents expectations around behaviour.  The league have advised me that the most represented party from report at the tribunal this Season 2015 has been PARENTS!

I accept that we are all human and prone to react, but it is those that react appropriately that set the mantle of behaviour we expect of our Sharks family.  Unfortunately I have personally witnessed a number of inappropriate acts over the past few weeks involving parents – PLEASE STOP!

This is football, it’s a competitive contact sports so on occasions things will happen on the football field that may raise your ire. If you see something on the field you believe to be inappropriate, firstly leave it with the Umpires to deal with, and if they miss it bring it up with your Coaches and Team officials to deal with.  If at the end of the game you are still NOT happy, then speak to me and I will deal with it through the appropriate channels.

The Sharks have a great name in the league and we are known for being well behaved!  So, before you react I ask you to STOP and think about the consequences of your actions for you, your child, and the club.  Thanks for your understanding and supporting your children having FUN! This is about common sense, so if you have any questions give me a call.

Sharks Ball – Saturday 1 August 2015!

After your feedback, and some innovation by our Under 14 parent group, we are trying something new in 2015 with a Sharks Cocktail Party.  The emphasis on this event is not money raising but to get all the parents together for a social night out.

This year’s event will be held at Rosebank Receptions 149 – 151 Warrandyte Road Ringwood North between 7.30pm – midnight. Tickets are $75 a head with beer, wine and champagne, canapés and light food, and Jimmy Darvidis live.

For information please contact Michael Newton – Events Coordinator – on mobile 0421049904 or via email Tickets are available online: and will not be available at the door.

Presentation Day – Sunday 13 September 2015!

The Sharks will again hold a Presentation Day at Domeney Reserve.  As per last season, the day will be split into sessions with the Annual General Meeting occurring at the midway point.  For those who need to attend both sessions, volunteers will be putting on a bbq and drinks. 

Annual General Meeting – Sunday 13 September 2015!

The Park Orchards North Ringwood Annual General Meeting will be held at on Sunday 13 September 2015 at Domeney Reserve, coinciding with the interval of our Presentation Day.

This meeting will discuss such items the years football and financial performance, and it is hoped that we will also identify and vote in new committee members.  Any member wishing to agenda items for discussion must do so 14 days prior to the meeting.

Each member eligible to vote is entitled to appoint another member who is eligible to vote as a proxy by notice given to the Secretary no later than 48 hours before the time of the meeting.  Proxy forms are available on request via the club President of Secretary.


UPDATED!!!!!! Please refer to our calendar page for an updated version of the 2015 calendar including new dates for the Sharks Ball, a set date for the Presentation Day and our Season Finale.  Thanks for your patience and understanding.

We Need You On Committee!

At the end of Season 2015 a number of positions will become vacant on Committee. In the past weeks I some generous people have put up there hand for the President, Director of Football and Secretary roles.  These will be announced at our Annual General Meeting.

Whilst some of the Executive roles have been covered we still need at Treasurer and other people to come onto Committee as General Helpers.

We are NOW seeking your support, so if you are in a position to assist can you PLEASE give me a call.


If at any stage during the season you wish to raise issue with me – positive or negative – please feel free to do so either personally or via the telephone!

Wishing you all the very best for Round 11. Please enjoy yourselves.  Go Sharks!!!!

Sean Woods – President of the Sharks
Park Orchards North Ringwood Parish Junior Football Club
Phone: 0407886817